At St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, we are committed to promoting and modelling good attendance and behaviour which is essential for pupils to achieve their potential. Lack of attendance is directly correlated to a pupil’s deteriorating success and development in their education. Every lesson is important, and maximum attendance and punctuality are valuable life skills. Taking your child out of school during term time may harm your child’s academic progress. In line with Local Authority policy, absences may only be authorised at the discretion of the Headteacher in EXCEPTIONAL circumstances. A Leave of Absence Form (see below) needs to be completed and sent to the school office in advance of any planned absence.
In accordance with our Attendance Policy (see below):
- You must call the office, ideally before 8.50am on the first and every subsequent day of your child’s absence, with an explanation of the reason;
- Medical/dental appointments should be made outside of school hours where possible – if the appointment does require your child to be absent from school for any length of time then a Leave of Absence Request form must be completed and sent to the office in advance;
- The DfE has made it clear that head teachers are not to authorise absence for any holidays during term time, except under exceptional circumstances (see Attendance Policy);
- Where a pupil’s unauthorised absence amounts to 10 sessions or more (5 school days) within a rolling period of 10 school weeks we are entitled to notify the Education Welfare Service and the Local Authority may issue a Penalty Notice to each parent for each child;
- The gates open at 8.30am and the school day starts at 8.50am when registration is taken. A pupil who arrives late before the register has closed will be marked as late. If the child is still not on site after the register has closed then they will be marked as absent.
Attendance Policy (2025 – 2026)